Tuesday, July 2, 2013

I'm Back! Plus, sexism with colors?

Hey guys!

I was reading some articles online today, and I felt a post coming on. So the title might have not very good wording, but anyways...
So I want to tell you guys this:

You know guys, since summer, I went on an around the world trip. I went along except for my dog. Yeah, she's the best traveling partner. We took a plane to England, met up with James Bond. He took us to France and we jumped out of his helicopter. We parachuted right onto the Eiffel tower. Then we used the jetpacks he gave us to fly to Greece, then Egypt. We went down to Botswana. After we jetpacked to China, but then we ran out of fuel, and the solar panels weren't working. We fell into the  Indian Ocean. We almost drowned, but then... um... Scarlett Johansson as the Black Widow came and saved us with the Avengers. They took us to China. We hiked for weeks until we reached Mongolia. There we stayed for a bit, then crossed the border into Russia. We hijacked a plane and then we came back. Yup. 

So none of that really happened. You guys were probably able to tell that when we met James Bond. Or when I just started. Plus I'm allergic to dogs. How sad is that?

Anyways. As you all know, the Hunger Games movie was a big hit, and Catching Fire is coming to theaters this... this November?
As a huge fan of the Hunger Games I thought the movie was kind of disappointing compared to the books, and I was so happy when they changed the director (no offense intended). But this post is not about the Hunger Games. I don't know if you guys heard about this, but those Nerf guns? I always thought it would be pretty cool to have, but I never did. Hey, do those hurt? Hm... anyways. Nerf is making a new line of toys for girls called ReBELLE. Okay, the belle isn't actually in caps. I read about it, and I was thinking this, "Why the heck are all the toy lines for girls always pink? Always? Is it like... like it appeals to us? Like we're some sort of things addicted to the color pink?!"
And then, why would they bother have another line for girls? One of the new products is the Heartbreaker Bow.

Anyone can see they're capitalizing on the whole archery popularity. On the Merrida and on the Katniss Everdeen. Yeah, it looks really pretty doesn't it!
It isn't the first time a toy company did that. What about Lego Friends! Great fun for girls! I played perfectly fine with "boy legos" when I was younger. But they were smart. Almost everything is purple, not pink, yeah.

Yeah. Products courtesy of Lego and Hasbro. Funny right?


If you want to read where I found out about the very upsetting Nerf Rebelle, check out the link below.

Sunday, October 7, 2012


It's the long weekend, and I should probably be outside, watching the Blue Angels or something, but I'm not. Instead I'm inside the house, well duh I've been outside during the weekend, I'm not some zombie that stares at the computer or tv or whatever 24/7, no. My problem is just that, THERE'S TOOOOOOOOO MUCH HOMEWORK TO DEAL WITH THESE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It sucks, and people are always like "WHO INVENTED HOMEWORK?!!?!?!?" well today I was driven mad by the homework, giving me the Homework Pox and Paper Fever (not to mention the Apprenenza, in french apprendre is the non-conjugated verbe that means to learn. And Influenza, should be the term for the flu.) that I looked up 'who invented homework', word for word. And there was a bunch of searches, and I double checked the info, and people, I'm sorry scientists, underlined, italicized, and in bold for extra respect thought this one guy invented it.
His name was Roberto Nevilis from Italy, and he created homework in the year 1095. He was a teacher in Venice. So then blah blah blah, let's just say it's him. Then under that in the Google search, there are bunch of Facebook pages like "The Guy who invented homework is probably the most hated person in the world"
then "I Hate The Person Who Invented Homework" and finally, "WHO INVENTED HOMEWORK?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" 
Why oh why? Stupid homework! (No disrespect intended)
But I'm just... annoyed...

Sunday, September 23, 2012

It's a new school year!

It's a new school year, and Hanpanda is back. I honestly never thought that I'd be writing a new post right here. Honestly, I don't like it as much as last year. Last year was sooooo much easier. For one thing when we had US Math, it was like we were floating in a boat, the waves gently pushing us. So easy. NOW WE'RE ON A CRAZY SPEED BOAT RAMPAGING DOWN A WATERFALL!!!!! How crazy is that? Anyhow there's another downer: I'm not with any of my friends. Not the close ones, not the medium ones, and even the people whom I'm slowly making friends with... they still have their own friends inside my class. How sad is that? My other friends are all in the two other classes. Sigh...
Another thing is that I'm really nostalgic about my teachers from last year, as are the other kids who are in my class who were in my class last year too. Oh my... And... we got IPads! Honestly, they're not really productive, and they're just wasting our eyesight, time, health, and their money. But I play a lot myself...

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Makeover! (Again...)

Who says an old blog can't have a new look? That's right, Pandasbamboo is undergoing another makeover! Just to show you what our previous looks used to be...

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Summer, here I come!

Now most schools got out like, what... 3 weeks ago? No really, I'm pretty sure, but not us.We're getting out, tomorrow. Okay, so the last day of school is awesome, it really is, but I'm not looking forward for next year. I mean, I love my schedule, not to mention my class (expect for the fact that not all my friends are there, but hey I ain't alone), best teachers ever! Considering the fact that I didn't get a dumb teacher, and let me tell you, a dumb teacher is worse than a strict one, because you learn so much more. Plus at the end of the year, we have a fair!!! Woot, woot!!!! We have cotton candy, popcorn, snowcone, games, manicures, and tons of other games!!! We'll get our yearbook tomorrow, how great is that? Plus a party afterwards for the hardworking older kids helping out the young 'uns at the fair!!!
So back to the present, mostly meaning earlier today. We went to the pre-k to play games with them, and sure they're sweet, but how come I had twins to deal with? Exact same shirt, exact same hair, exact same face. And when I had to play Guess Who, they didn't really understand... sigh, am I right? So summer, kick back, relax, and have some fun!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

So I am back...

So I'm back right? Well I guess that's alright. A new thing at school:
I have started a "company" (not with real labor though), where I assign you all jobs! Do you like it, huh? Ok, I'll stop. In English we are doing a "Global Myths" section, and we all pick a myth we read then we can change it but we must keep the overall structure. It is very fun. It's hilarious since today we had a substitute. He came to check on all of us and how we were working. At one point he got to one group apparently during the World War II period. And you know what? He started chewing them out about how you can't change history, you can't rewrite, and then he asked what our teacher said and they said... "She didn't care," he seemed glum.
Me? I am a dying cat and a pharmacist.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


So what do you guys think? Nice cookie huh? Yeah, yeah nice cookie...
Kind of a waste of your time, but I'm out of inspiration. But cookies!