Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Hi guys,
I finally got this to work. Ta-Da! These are pictures of flowers from the garden of the Alamo, located in San Antonio Texas!

a picture of a flower from the garden of the alamo (If it's not here, I'll try again)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Who likes Silly Bandz?

What ever happened to the super ultra super coolio fad, Silly Bandz? I ran out. Dunzo. Gone. Like any other fads do. Why? What happened? What do I think?
1) I feel stupid I got sucked in to it! Seriously, who likes dinky pieces of colored rubber shapped like dinosaurs that breaks when you try to put them on? Sadly, most of us did...
2) I put them on recently, and they gave me rashes! DEFECTIVE! Who likes defective dinky pieces of colored rubber now shapped like a broken dinosaur?!
3) It's so terrible, I can't think of anything! Damaging brain cells! SINISTER pieces of ugly defective dinky pieces of colored rubber shapped like a broken dinosaur that makes you... SINISTER!
The end

Thursday, October 13, 2011

La la la!

Ha ha ha! Isn't this so boring! Isn't this hilarious!!!!!!! Anyways, The Son of Neptune sequel to the
Lost Hero? Wanna buy, didn't buy it yet. The pain! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! WHY????????????? Expressing my anger online probably isn't the best thing to do. Sigh...

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Hey guys! What's going on? Me? Well thank you...
nothing!!!!!!!!! If nothing is going on...
Hey what about this? Do you like creative writing?
Are you in grade school, or a teacher with amazing talented
students who are amazing at creative writing? Check out
Poeticpower.com! You can enter and win cash prizes for doing things
you love, like writing! Check it out!


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